
Welcome to my blog! I'm thrilled to embark on this journey with you, sharing an international perspective and sparking meaningful discussions on all things sustainability. As an international consultant, I'm passionate about making a positive impact on our planet, and I'm here to empower you with knowledge, practical tips, and thought-provoking conversations. Together, let's navigate the path towards a greener, healthier, and more sustainable future.

Health Scott Brady Health Scott Brady

Challenges for decarbonising healthcare, and strategies to overcome

For the WHO’s 2024 'Training of Trainers’ event in Madrid, I was invited to participate in a Panel discussion on delivering low carbon and climate resilient healthcare. I was asked about the common challenges encountered by healthcare facilities in reducing greenhouse emissions, and what strategies can help to overcome them? I was also asked how I see this approach being applied at the national system level? My points seemed to resonate with many in the audience, so I have summarised these is this blog.

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Health Scott Brady Health Scott Brady

The health impacts of climate change

The climate emergency affects us all, and we often talk about its impact on the environment, nature, infrastructure, economy, and our wallets. But, did you know that the climate crisis is also a health crisis? I have worked in sustainability for over a decade now, delivering change at both policy and practical levels. But it still surprises me how the health impacts of climate change remain overlooked!

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